Well our class finally earned their 10th tac for good behavior, so today we went to the gym for 30 minutes of free play. The majority of the class opted to play dodge ball, while the others did their own thing with some of the gym accessories. After observing for awhile, I decided to participate. First, I tried walking with a few of the girls on some type of styrofoam stompers. It was harder than it looked, plus it made my thighs really hurt. I must be out of shape. However, I made it about 3/4 of the way around the gym before I fell off. Not bad for my first time trying. Then, I decided to play a little dodge ball. Poor Brandon, I think I got him out 3 or 4 times. He told me to watch out next time. I hope there is a next time for them. I have seen some improvement....so congratulations class....I know you can do it.